For my friend tonight…

For my friend tonight…


I know you are there.  I know you have not turned your back to the cries of your children.  I can’t pretend to know the depth of your emotion when you see them hurting…us hurting…but I know it must hurt you too.  And when I see my own children in pain, it breaks my heart into a thousand pieces.  So too, must your heart break.  Only more so…because you love so much more.  Tonight, I need you to hear me.  Tonight…I need for you to help my friend and her sweet baby girl.  Tonight…I pray that they have more smiles than cries.  I pray that there is more comfort than pain.  I pray that the sweet baby girl can breathe.  I pray that she be able to rest peacefully.  I pray that she and her brave mama have sweet sleep.  Tonight…I pray that they rest in the comfort of your arms…and that your whispers of love are heard in place of struggled breath.  Father God…I pray that you would block all fear from their hearts…and the fruits of your spirit be in it’s place.  I claim your promise to be the great comforter.  I ask that you would remember how you felt when it was your son hurting.  I ask that you would think of what you would most need as a parent in that circumstance.  And then I ask that you would do that for my friend.  I ask that they have tight hugs, sweet kisses, soft giggles, and meaningful conversation.  I ask you for a night filled with love.  Tonight…please help them to know you are there with them.  Tonight…help them to feel you unmistakably.  God…tonight…let them be just mother and daughter again.

In your Holy name,


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