i’m finally gettin’ my mommy groove back. well…technically…my “in general” groove back.
this weekend was just what the doctor ordered.
friday…i was reunited with one of my favoritest friends. she busted on over and knocked on the door and peaked in the windows and called me until i let her in. (i was taking a little power snooze)
you know you’ve got a good friend when they are willing to do all that!
so, we watched the baby girls play, had dr. peppers, and talked until the bigs got home from school. chad picked up our kids and hers, as well…so we didn’t even have to get in the car ride line. and bonus…i didn’t have to get out of my sweat pant uniform.
friday night, we resumed family movie night with soul surfer. good flick. aiden was somewhat disturbed when the shark bit off the girl’s arm…but other than that…everyone loved the story. and it’s a true story. which always makes a story better.
chad decided that it was time to change the baby bed to a toddler bed over the holiday.
let me just tell you of the water works that started.
oh…they were fine.
i wasn’t.
i kept telling him that she wasn’t ready for that and that it wasn’t time, etc. etc. etc.
but he kept saying…yes she is.
so, as he got his tools and summoned all the kids to help with the milestone transformation, i held my hand up and said,
“i need a minute.”
i went in the nursery, closed the door, sat on the floor by the bed that had kept all four of my sleeping babies over the last 11 years, and cried.
i cried because i missed all of them as babies. i cried because of how fast they were growing up. i cried because i still thought of the puddin cup as my baby and if she was ready for a toddler bed…then she wasn’t technically a baby anymore. and most of all…i grieved because of the fact that any time we had changed the baby bed to a toddler bed in the past…i had the comfort that, in the near future, it would be a baby bed again…because there was no question in my mind that we would be bringing home another, tiny baby love that was going to sleep in it for another several years.
and this time…
i didn’t have that.
this time…
may be the last.
and i just wasn’t ready to accept that.
chad was right.
my baby was ready.
and the only thing that got me through that day was the hope that we would bring another baby home that would sleep in that baby bed. it probably wouldn’t be from the hospital…but we would be bringing her home, none-the-less. and that baby bed would keep our fifth baby love.
organization happened this weekend…which is always joy provoking.
i went through all of their school work from the first semester and threw away the busy work, filed away the keepers, and got their cubbies ready for the second half of the year.
i found this little gem.
aiden had written what she was thankful for.
she is thankful for food, so we don’t have to starve. she is thankful for clothes. she is thankful for school so she can learn. she is thankful for people so we can live. she is thankful for love.
saturday morning, we sat around the table and had blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes. and later that evening, colt had his first basketball game of the season. he played point. during half time…chase, aiden, and annslee all got to go out on the court and shoot to win a free snack from the snack bar. chase sunk his first shot and opted for a push pop. aiden made her basket (they let her shoot a few times) and landed on a push pop as well. they let me lift aj up to the basket and she made her’s on her first try…causing quite a few cheers from the crowd…and then inhaled an entire bag of m&m’s.
other fun things…
pizza and the texan’s playoff win with family.
home church on sunday morning.
a rockin’ meal plan.
great finds at aeropostal. (i totally caved and endulged in, not just 1…but 2 pairs of sweat pants.)
an impromptu buy for aiden at the children’s place.
wearing my jeans instead of sweats.
putting on make up. (i still haven’t done my hair in a while…but we are going to consider the make up a win.)
grocery shopping alone.
face timing with my nieces in iowa because sweet aubree had finally saved enough money to purchase her very own ipod touch. (i may or may not have donned a rapunzel wig.)
ending a perfect weekend in the warmth and comfort of our home with 5 of my favorite people on earth.
happy monday.
and here’s to gettin’ my groove back.
Sounds like the perfect weekend for you and your family! I am more than happy to break down your door anytime friend, and just so you know, you totally rocked those sweat pants!