denim and pleats

today, i saw a sight that made my heart flutter and my skin long for the sun-kissed glow that only the warm, spring sun can bring.  our morning dove has returned and is preparing her old, vacant nest for her babies.  it’s as if i actually saw her draw the blinds to let in the sun light as she pulled the dusty blankets from the furniture that hadn’t been used all winter long.  i couldn’t believe it when i caught glimpse of her this morning.  it’s like an old friend has come home.  i guess that can only mean one thing.
the babe and my “YES” walks will need to pick back up again and the cold, dreary rain is getting ready to give way to the sun and a warm breeze.
i, for one…am ready.
we did some baking this weekend.
i’m really working on inviting and welcoming the kids into the kitchen more.  i struggle with messes.  therefore…i struggle with children in the kitchen.  however, i do realize that this is a problem that needs to be overcome and that these kids deserve to make a good mess with the rest of em.  on this particular day, they did.

friday, i got to have 3 extra kids in my home for the day.  my cousin, tammy dropped her kids off at 8:00 friday morning and i had the pleasure of trying to entertain a 14 year old and 2 year old boy and an 11 year old girl…along with annslee.  i was in my element with the two 2 year olds…but was in new territory with the 14 year old boy and 11 year old girl.  luckily…they were both prone to naps.  whether or not from being tired or bored…i’m not sure?
we did chase down a renegade ice cream man…which i would think is fun at any age.

which brings me to a point that i may have already brought up before:
the ice cream men around these parts look sketchy, at best.  and don’t get me started on the run-down, white vans.
after we got our ice cream, aiden asked, “mom?  is the ice cream man a stranger?”
i told her, “yes.”
she’s no fool.  she was thinking the same thing i was.  he’s probably someone’s grandpa and the nicest and most moral man you will ever meet.  he’s probably even a pastor who is making a living as an ice cream man on the side to fund an orphanage in somalia.
but…let’s just say that until i know those things for a fact…
my children will not be chasing down the ice cream man without me.

while the girls and i did that,
the boys did this.

i love a man that can play ball.  chads still got it on the court.
however…i could do without the old man complaining about his arm.  it sorta takes away from the “sexiness” factor.  no??

chase and annslee treated us all to a little johnny cash.

while loved ones caught up.
this is my cousin (with honey).  technically, she is my second cousin.  my mom and her dad were first cousins.  however…we grew up pretending we were sisters.  she would come from ft. worth and stay with us during the summers and i would count the days until she would get there.  we got ourselves into all sorts of trouble.  actually, we really didn’t.  we just did things like practice and plan our future careers as an all girl musical group in between riding our bikes to the neighborhood pool.  as luck would have it…
i dug up an old recording that we made at a mall while staying a week with honey in beaumont.  it was one of those little, recording studios where kids off the street could go in, pick a song, and sing it to a track into a real life microphone and pretend to be famous for, at least, 6 magical minutes.
oh…did we ever sing.  we recorded a little bangles’ eternal flame and i’m not gonna lie:
there were parts of it that were actually pretty good for two 12 or 13 year olds with absolutely no experience.  but there were also parts of it that were a hot, southern mess…with all our texas twang.  looking back…we totally should have picked a country song.  i’m gonna remember that for next time.
we cranked the volume on that sucker and let our husbands, all our kids, and honey hear us in all our glory.  i’m not sure if they were all laughing at us or with us.  well…except for honey; who swore up and down that we were the two best singers that ever lived.  (everyone needs someone who will support them like that, i think.)

the next day, we continued the reunion, of sorts, and went to main event.
the puddin cup took her first turn at bowling.

note to self:  to avoid tantrums next time…don’t try to help the girl.  let her do it by herself.  even if she does roll the ball and watch it travel slow as christmas to it’s destination…which may or may not be towards the pins.

this is aiden with her third cousin, maddie.

and let it be said…that although i do not condone the killing of innocent animals (unless they are snakes or something else that is threatening my life)…i do love to shoot a gun.  this, in my opinion, is the best game in the joint.

annslee and her third cousin, cody tried their hand at skeeskee ball skill here.

visits with family can’t be beat.
a couple of weeks ago, i think i made mention of helping honey clean out her closet.  she wanted to free up some space by giving some of her old clothes that she no longer wears anymore to goodwill.  i had the honor of being able to take a couple of treasures home with me.  one thing that i snagged was a big, over sized sweater that she crocheted.  and another was this black, pleated skirt.
i wore it to church yesterday and colton took some pictures so that i could send one to honey.
i feel really funny taking “outfit” pictures…
but everyone seems to be doing it.
don’t worry.  you won’t be seeing outfit pictures a lot…do to an overwhelming amount of “lounge” attire.  let’s be honest.  no one wants to see that.

but this???  can we just all agree that getting to wear my honey’s old skirt is pretty awesome?

even if she would be appalled that i paired it with denim and a bandanna.
for church, no less!

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