12.13.11 Peace, good will towards men.

i just got back from a run with trout.  don’t get excited.  it was just down the street and back.  but…strangely, that was sufficient…for me, anyway.  i can’t believe that i used to be a runner.  there was a time when i would not go to bed unless i had run my 3 mile lap […]

12.8.11 i totally caved

i totally caved.  call me “out of the loop” if you like…because i had no idea that all this elf magic was happening all over town.  i knew that sooooome of the kids at school had personal elves at home…but i had no idea that they were writing letter’s (like, as a whole class) to […]

12.6.11 questions answered and pictures to prove it

what is not to love about a great hat?  you have probably noticed that i have a long standing love affair happening with hats.  i love wearing them, myself…and i certainly love putting the kids in them.  colt won’t really cooperate and wear anything but a baseball cap…but the rest of them do pretty good […]

12.5.11 i walked for her

saturday morning, i set my alarm for 6:30 am…which was earlier than it’s been set in a long time.  i had the honor and privelage to, not only walk in the buddy walk…but photograph it for a team of 70 people who where all their to support a little girl named, scarlett. scarlett changed my […]

12.4.11 hop on board

yesterday, chad broke down and told me to just go ahead and take the cat to get it’s immunizations. the poor thing had tape worms and when i went to tell the owners…they said that they didn’t care and that they didn’t want him.  he lives in our yard and sleeps in the garage.  he […]

12.1.11 happy birthday hissy fit

my girl’s got manners.  she has this way about her…that just screams polyanna or anne of green gables.  sometimes she talks like she stepped right out of yesteryear.  and i say yesteryear…because i really have no idea what time period anne of green gables was set in.  but…nevertheless…her old school politeness makes my heart smile. […]

11.29.11 step back, scrooge

trout is slowly becoming himself again.  his spirits are lifted…no thanks to this cone that he has to wear. the kids and i call him melman…after the ocd/hypocondriac/cone wearing giraffe from the madagascar movies.  chad calls him “cone-man the barbarian.” regardless of what we call him…he can’t see anything.  he runs into everything from the […]

11.27.11 november 27, 2011

to say that we’ve had a rough week is an understatement.  well…if we are measuring things based on whether or not we have a roof over our heads and food to eat…then we are doing swimmingly.  however, if we are judging based on small, little, stressful, very expensive joy stealers…then i’m your girl. chad always […]

11.24.11 happy thanksgiving, friends

yesterday, we packed up and headed to the woodlands for the day. we were meeting ben and dea (my best from high school), their kids…and ian (another friend from high school) at fuddruckers for lunch. i just love it when my old friend’s kids and my kids play together.  there is just something very comforting about […]

11.21.11 do enjoy your monday

it’s monday morning…and the thanksgiving holiday has officially begun.  or began.  is it begun or began?  i don’t even know. that means all of the lovies are home with me…lounging on the couch…watching disney channel…eating waffles…sipping hot chocolate…complaining about having to let the dog out…and talking about being bored.  and it’s only 10 am. i’m in […]