3.5.12 lizards and laundry rooms

i can’t tell you what the warm sun has done for my spirit.  it’s amazing to me how something as simple as the weather can have such an impact on the overall mood of a person. we jumped into full spring action this weekend. and it was about time. when i was a little girl…i […]

3.3.12 tired spring walk

after finding my own spring inspirations the other day…the sun finally followed.  in no time…we are going to be giving bathing suit hose baths, eating dinner on the patio, and staying out, long past dark.  i, for one, can’t wait. i love when seasons enter and exit.  i remember the feeling that i would get […]

2.28.12 the weekend

inspiration this morning will have to come from a spring scented candle or a vase filled with tulips because, laaawwwwd…the weather outside is not helping any. it’s been raining and cloudy and foggy for, like 2 months. the dog doesn’t even remember what it’s like to play football in the backyard.  he only knows tiptoing […]

2.24.12 go TEXAN

“go texan day is, like, my favorite day of the year,” i told my dad on the phone this morning.  his reply was one that only my dad would give me. “no it’s not.  you have way too many favorite days of the year.  halloween…christmas eve…st. patrick’s day…etc. etc. etc.  i wish i had as […]

2.24.12 it’s thursday around here

look out, folks.  i’ve got my healthy on. along the same lines…if you are a fan of ranch (we eat ranch dressing on everything round these parts) then you must try this. i’ve sited pinterest so many times…even i am sick of hearing about it, so…i’m abiding by the rule that if you reference someone […]

2.20.12 denim and pleats

today, i saw a sight that made my heart flutter and my skin long for the sun-kissed glow that only the warm, spring sun can bring.  our morning dove has returned and is preparing her old, vacant nest for her babies.  it’s as if i actually saw her draw the blinds to let in the sun […]

2.16.12 here’s to play dough

 it’s no secret that i am a creature that should have come with the warning:  “caution…may go completely overboard on holidays or special occasions.” so…it’s no surprise that 24 hours simply won’t do when it comes to all things lovely for the day of love. it’s a good thing i get a whole month for christmas […]

2.14.12 happy valentiMe’s day (part 1)

this is what i woke up to this morning. it’s been a while since i’ve received flowers. these were a site for romantically sore eyes.  i think when there are 4 kids involved…chad and i can easily swing right into co-habitating real fast.  not that every day shouldn’t be valentine’s day…blah blah blah…but it is nice […]

2.9.12 operation pinterest pantry. and horses.

i hate picture day. now…i am aware that “hate” is a very strong word…and it is, indeed, bordering on over reacting…but any time pictures are involved, it evokes pressure that feels equal to filling out college applications. i knew that today was picture day. i knew it because i got the forms to fill out (3 […]

2.6.12 the pretend embassy

we celebrated honey’s 91st birthday on saturday after colton’s basketball game. one of my favorite stories to listen to her tell is about how,  when she was a little girl, she would spend every summer at her grandma’s house, out in the country.  blackberry cobbler is still her favorite desert because that is what my great, great […]