About Mindy

Man…to sum me up is not an easy task.  I am a contradiction in terms.  I want to live where I can wakeboard all summer and snowboard all winter.  I love good books but hate to read.  I love to feel in control but float through life on a whimsical cloud.  I desire validation and appreciation…but have chosen to live with the title wife and mom…where my payment comes in the form of hugs and kisses instead of awards and promotions.  I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, aunt, friend, and most of all…a constant screw up who needs only one thing…the saving grace and love of my Heavenly father.

I say “y’all.”  Like…a lot.  I love a good hat.  Music makes everything better…and I’ve been known to throw a helluva dance party in the kitchen.  I could pretty much live on Twizzlers and Dr. Pepper. If I can’t wear boots or flip flops…I ain’t goin’. And if I get my way…we will end up on a ranch with a barrel horse and an indoor soccer field.  I can organize you right out of your home if you’d let me.  I feel that I have the best 4 kids that God could offer…and I still think my husband is the cutest guy in the room.  Especially when he wears his hat backwards.

This blog was created years ago…and it is my story.  I write my truth.  I see my life through the lens of my camera…and it is a gift.  The images capture the “magic.”  They are the moments that would surely be forgotten.  Or worse…moments that would have been glossed over and never really appreciated like they should be.  They are evidence.  Evidence of God.  Evidence of beauty.  Evidence of love.  Every time I type a blog, I imagine my children sitting around as adults, reading the posts, looking at the images… laughing…and crying…and remembering.  I hope that they will remember that although we didn’t always have it all together…we loved well; and that even if their mother wasn’t always in the mood to cook a meal……..man…….could she find the miracles in the everyday.  I hope they will remember how much they were loved and celebrated.  I love that you are here…sharing in our story.  And I hope that in doing so…you will also find the miraculous in your everyday.

Mindy lives with her husband, Chad, who is a pastor of missions and church planting and their 4 kids deep in the heart of Texas where she was born a raised.  She is proud to say that although their boys were born out of state…their girls were…most definitely…MADE IN TEXAS.