There are times when I get a glimpse of God. Moments…where I think I can understand his heart. Times…when I catch a miracle, as if it were a butterfly landing for a fleeting second on my shoulder.
And if truth be told…many of these moments are when I’m around at Chase.
He’s special. He’s different. He is a servant. He is compassionate beyond his age and circumstances. He thinks of other people first. Always.
He experiences life in a way different than anyone else I know.
He experiences it with a thoughtfulness that most don’t understand.
Many times…when the world is confusing and harsh, he relies on his heart to guide him.
Many times…he is content in his own world. A world where creativity and dreams reside.
He changes people…this boy.
If they stop and listen to him…really hear him…
they will see love.
They will see Chase.
Happy Birthday, son.
You are magical.